Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Perfect Man

Let me tell you, I've been thinking alot about "the perfect man" lately.

I think each girl has one of those.

A guy you didn't "carry on" with and you're sure life would have been perfect had you married him.

Guys probably have those girls that got away too.
You think that person probably keeps a clean house, does laundry, is an excellent cook, provides jewelry/electronics for birthdays, is a good kisser, thoughtful and considerate, the best kisser, always kind, and insert the dream here ** _______ **. Most likely, he doesn't do all those things for his wife either. He may fill some of the requirements.

Here is my perfect man, come hell or highwater. We're together for the long haul. UNLESS Russell Crowe shows up at the door, which would be short term relationship only.
When I want to smack my perfect man, I will need to resort to this passage, remind me regular readers.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Be good children!!! I am. (Ha)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Why I Am Proud To Be An American by DeAnna

This week we elected a new president. While he is not who I voted for, I was pleased to see the smooth transition facilitated by the Bush administration to the Obama administration.

I am proud to be an American because our new President brings hope and youth into a tired and old nation. I am proud to be an American because based on the Civil Rights (or lack thereof)
towards African Americans in the recent past there is now an American president, who is black.

On Inaguration Day when President Obama got out of his car and walked at into the church, I was overcome with emotion and began to cry - because I realized the magnitude of this moment. It reminds me of a song learned in elementary school - - -

This is my country! Land of my birth!
This is my country! Grandest on earth!
I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country
to have and to hold.

What diff'rence if I hail from North or South
Or from the East or West?
My heart is filled with love for all of these
I only know I swell with pride and deep within my breast
I thrill to see Old Glory paint the breeze.

With hand upon heart I thank the Lord
For this my native land,
For all I love is here within her gates
My soul is rooted deeply in the soil on which I stand,
For these are mine own United States.

This is my country! Land of my choice!
This is my country! Hear my proud voice!
I pledge theee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country!
To have and to hold.

My President and his family remains in my prayers. My country is in my prayers that we are all united, not by race, wealth, age - but pride in our country and the fact that we can help one another grow and all help each other back on our feet.

In Christ!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Gran Torino - Review by DeAnna

Today, Danny and I went to see Clint Eastwoods' movie, "Gran Torino" and let me tell you what - it was a great movie. Now, I'm a fan of Clint Eastwood, acting and directing (except the "Every Which Way But Loose" series)

I expected a good movie, and I got one.

Clint Eastwood plays a widower, alienated from his children and grandchildren because of a generation gap. He lives in a neighborhood that most of his friends have moved away from, or they have passed on. Many from Hmong community are moving into the neighborhood. In an event, Clint earns the gratitude of many of his new neighbors. The movie displays how people stay the same, while the world around them changes. Clint makes a change in the film and in it, he finds redemption and healing.

I'm afraid I'll spoil it for you if I tell you too much, but go see it. It was so good, I may have to go and see it again. The great thing about this film is you have one idea of what will happen, and something completely different does happen.

It really made me evaluate how I look at the world.

What's up with those Carolina Panthers?

Friday, January 9, 2009

Slow Year - Dratted Cold Kept Me From Bloggin'

Hello peeps. (Tara & Heather)

Let me tell you this darn sinusitis has blocked my creative blogging skills and zapped my energy. But, alas - thanks to modern medicine I am back, and ringing a bell.....

I'm watching Star Wars. Probably for the one zillionth time.... did I ever tell you about 1977 whenever Star Wars came out? Sit back children, I'll share a story.

My Mom worked part-time when I was little and we had "Hours". In that hour I could choose what I would like to do for that hour. Mostly it was to go to the library, sometimes to the Dunkin Donuts on Battleground for a lemon filled donut, sometimes we would color, we did many fun things. My Dad worked 3rd shift, so our schedules didn't coordinate in this time frame. He was around, but quite busy.

  • In May of 1977, Star Wars came out. I asked to go see it. Mama said, "That's a boys film."
  • In June of 1977, everyone was talking about Star Wars. "Mama can we go see it?" "That's a boys film."
  • In July of 1977, more people were talking about Star Wars. It was still a boys film...
  • In August of 1977, I went into the 2nd grade, Mrs. King at General Greene and at my table was my friend Chris (last name? who knows - the brain vault lost that tidbit) and he LOVED Star Wars. He talked me into trying to get my Laura-Ingalls-braids to curl around like Princess Leia. It didn't work, but we played Star Wars. I changed my approach. "Mama ALL of the kids are playing Star Wars, I need to see it so I can play too." (it was the 70's we used our imagination a lot) I was told it was a boys film, and probably all the little boys were playing it.
  • In September of 1977, Chris wanted to join KISS. He was no help to me. So, since my reading skills were improving, I would leave the paper open to the showings of "Star Wars". I didn't say anything.... and still didn't go.
  • In October of 1977, a million children went dressed as creatures from Star Wars, except me. I think that year I was Pippi Longstocking. I couldn't dress as a stormtrooper from Star Wars because it was a boys costume. I didn't even ask to go.
  • In November of 1977, I still didn't go.
  • In December of 1977, I told Santa Claus all I wanted for Christmas was to "See Star Wars." and Star Wars toys, action figures and whatnot. Guess what Santa bought me? A Barbie Dream House and car, with Donny & Marie Osmond dolls, and a handmade Barbie wardrobe from my Aunt Daucy. I remember being at Aunt Daucy's and my cousin Danita told me there were going to be 9 Star Wars to come out, because I talked about it a lot that day. I said, "I probably won't be able to see the other 8 either."
  • In January of 1978, I said, "I want to see Star Wars. I don't care if it is a boys film. It's a good movie and it has been out for a LONG time. One day it will go away from the movie theater and I will NEVER be able to see it." Guess what - IT WORKED!!!!
My poor Mama took me to a boys movie to see Star Wars. It was the greatest thing ever!!!! She was bored to tears, but I was engrossed. Bless her heart.

To this day, I will watch Star Wars whenever it is on. Especially when you have 200 channels and still can't find anything worth watching.

Thank you George Lucas.

My Dad took me and Sherri McCann to see "The Empire Strikes Back". When I was 13, I went to see, "Return of the Jedi" with some friends.

That's my story children. Be good and stay away from Wookies.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Nothing Gold Can Stay

The other day I said to Danny, "I think it would be a bummer if you were titled the worlds oldest-living-person, or America's oldest-living-person." Because, really that's not that special for very long.

Today Maria de Jesus died, at 115 years old. She was only the "world's-oldest-person" since Edna Parker (of the US) died on November 26th, 2008. 37 days.

NOW, another American, Getrude Baines has the dubious title of "world's-oldest-person". Bless her heart - there's probably some very vain southern lady waiting in the wings for the title...

Some interesting things to note of Ms. de Jesus:
  • She never fell ill, nor took any medication
  • She never went to school
  • She never learned to read or write
  • She did marry and had 6 children
Also, I learned there is an organization in Los Angeles that keeps data on people who are 110 and older, worldwide - Gerontology Research Group. Hmmmm.....

Another thing Danny and I discussed were these people who are "experts". Especially in the arts and entertainment arena. I would love to be labeled and expert, probably in 1980's music and television..... VH1 always seems to have some entertaining folk that can discuss mundane happenings.

The reason this is intriguing to me is because,
  • I wouldn't need a degree (Ummm... I majored in Little House on the Prairie, minored in the Andy Griffith Show, black and white episodes only.)
  • I could discuss things with Lester Holt on the Today Show - Weekend (not sure there would be a call for the weekday version, I think Billy Bush does an okay job)
  • Entertainment Tonight may give me a call
  • Maybe I could interview Madonna, about when she was like "super cool"? Not that Madge isn't now, but.... mid-80's, does it get any better than "Live to Tell"? SINCE I'm an expert I will share that it was written for the Sean Penn/Christoper Walken film, "At Close Range" in which she met, and later married Sean Penn
  • You kind of expect a pop culture expert to be round
  • You DO need a degree to be an Economist - but truthfully, it doesn't seem like people are listening to them anyways.
One last thing, a movie recommendation. Waitress. Have ya'll seen it? It made me cry. There were several scenes that reminded me of things I had long forgotten.... that Keri Russell really did a fine job. Andy Griffith was in the film too for my NC friends.

Have a fine night everyone.

My father in law and his wife are coming down for a visit tomorrow. So I'm on a cleaning frenzy.

Night Children.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's 2009!!!

Okay everyone, we're welcoming a new year.

While I would not categorize 2008 as being particularly bad for me, there are many people who had a great many troubles. There were many "businesses" (and I use the term lightly) who are glad 2008 is behind them. The home mortgage crisis is a mess, and people haven't planned. But, I have to say... if Danny and I lost our jobs, we would be in a mess too!!!!

All is quiet, on New Year's Day. We're watching The Cable Guy, directed by Ben Stiller. It does have a low ranking on IMDB, but I think it is very funny!!!

Speaking of funny - on Rock Band last night there was a song, "Conventional Lover" by Speck. I was singing the lyrics and cracking up!!! It reminded me a lot of Danny.

I see Time Warner Cable and Viacom reached a settlement. Somehow, after dealing with the customer service of Time Warner - I can see how their company culture does not value the needs of the customer. I tell you what, switching to Direct TV was a good change for us. I would recommend that service to anyone...

Okay, I'm rambling on - HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

DeAnna's Detailed Memory - 2008

As 2008 comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the year. Some interesting things happened this year, I met Bill Clinton (for the second time), I was on The Wicker Show on 98.7 Simon, My 20th Year Class Reunion happened and I reconnected with some old friends, my friend Tara got married, we went to the beach twice this year, we got a minivan, I discovered a couple of new shows - The Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Big Bang Theory and Two and a Half Men, I was on WFMY2 talking about, I started writing on to make a little money. All in all, it's been a good year.

Well chickens, I'm off to bed so I can go to sleep.


Are there are any resolutions for 2009 anyone?